Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I first heard about "The Hunger Games" when I became a Twilight fanatic. After hearing many raves and praises to this book from various reading buddies I thought I would check out. However; when I first read the synopsis of this story I was not interested in reading this book or it series. It was not the type of book I am used to reading and the setting of the story was hard to picture.

When the movie trailer came out I was still hesitant on reading the book or watching the movie until one evening I was chatting with a friend (who I occasionally borrow books from) and asking if she had read it. Needless to say she also had rave reviews on the story. We talked more and she ended up telling me what it was about with the assumption that I have no interest in the series nor did I plan to read it at all. After explaining the setting and telling me the basic backstory, I decided to finally give in and check it out.

OMFG thank goodness I gave in and read the book! I have to totally agree with all the raves and praises that I heard about "The Hunger Games." I have to add that seeing the trailer also helped with getting an idea on the setting and the characters in the book. Ok onto my review....

Its an easy read similar to the writing style in the Twilight series. That is an important factor for me and anyone (who may have a hard time with the setting) to help better understand what is going on with the characters and be able to feel what the characters are feeling and going through. Although the thought that kids (ages 12-18) are chosen to kill each other until one remaining winning victor is left is disturbing, it would not be a great book without the struggles, the choices, the survival that the characters face in this book. Must I also add the crazy unique love triangle that this story revolves around.

Without giving anything away with detailed spoilers, I will have to say that every time I thought I have figured out what will happen next, another twist and surprise comes up. That in itself makes me give this book two thumbs up! Would I recommend this book? Yes of course and no doubt I already have several of my girlfriends reading it. Here's to reading book two, "Catching Fire." May the odd be ever in your favor.

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